Saturday, November 27, 2010

Audrey, Wait!

“Audrey, Wait!” involves a girl named Audrey Cuttler who breaks up with her boyfriend, a small town musician. She goes to his concert later that week to say, “Sorry for breaking up.” She is surprised when he starts singing “Audrey, Wait!” a song about her walking out the door on him and making her sound like a terrible person. The worse part… it’s a great song, terribly catchy. It becomes so good that it’s heard everywhere Audrey goes. It becomes a #1 nationwide song! She is bothered by everyone and everywhere she goes she is never left alone. Small town musician want to become her boyfriend so they can use her as her”muse.” How can she hang out with her best friend or find a new crush? How can she ever get her normal life back?
I loved this book. I thought it was going to be like the regular book where it has the paperazzi and the main character is whiny. But it's not like that, I must so the book and its characters do swear a lot though. I gave it to my friends at school and they loved it! I highly suggest this book!

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